Feelin’ foxy? Den this Wee Woobly Fox should be right up your alley! With black-tipped ears and a tiny tail. he’s more sweet than sly??not to mention pretty infoxicatingly adorable.
Not only will this Beginner+ kit guide you through all those wee woobly de-tails. but it’ll also teach you some fun new skills like color changing. Plus?The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn? and step-by-step videos will make things even simpler fur you. though of course we’re always here to lend a paw if needed. So get ready for a foxin’ good time as you bring this furry new friend to life!
If this is your first time crocheting.?start with a??instead. Accessory kits are?not?designed to teach you how to crochet.
What’s included
- Step-by-step video tutorials
- The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn?. custom-made for beginners
- Stuffing
- Pattern as a PDF download
You’ll also need a 4mm crochet hook. which comes with any?
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